Telehealth Consultations

Me and my COVID Coworkers!
Much of my work in supporting wellness, aging, and the navigation of end of life pathways is conversational. With the challenges of this year, I am now scheduling Telehealth
Consultations with current clients to allow us to continue to have those valuable more detailed conversations about Quality of Life, treatment options, and care decisions without risking potential human exposures through prolonged in-person contact. Treatment plans for chronic disease management including osteoarthritis, chronic renal disease, hyperthyroidism, and many others can be established and reviewed in this way. Monitoring for signs of concern including pain recognition and follow-up check-ins can also be included.
There are many times when it is important to have a physical exam and other diagnostic testing done before prescribing. Telemedicine can provide a great follow-up to those visits and much of the recheck can be done through video and discussion of changes that are being noticed. As always with my housecall practice, there are times when a patient needs to be seen at a clinic or emergency facility for care. If you are interested in scheduling a Telehealth call to go over your animal's needs and establish a care plan, contact me through email and we can coordinate a virtual visit!