Kate's Memorial Artwork!

I have a young friend (an Ecology and Studio Art major at UNI) who is an amazing artist and has put her skills to work creating lovely memorial artwork of animals incorporating personal aspects of their lives in beautiful and whimsical ways.
The paintings above are of her family's cat, Cinder, and their adorable pet rats. This family had many losses all in a very short time and pulling them all together into this beautiful world has helped them to remember and enjoy the wonderful times with all of these loved ones. Going through the process of deciding what to include has been healing in its own way.
"These are an homage to the lives of our dear friends, so to fully capture their personalities, the tales of their daring exploits must also be included. The plants, objects, and animals all represent a story so they will always be remembered." -Kate
Kate is also quite talented a capturing the living - see Berlioz below "He’s a cute li’l guy isn’t he?" She works in various types of media including recycled materials!
If you are interested in talking to her about commissioning a personal piece of art, let me know and I can put you in touch!